The conceptual solution with many different forms
WebCenter is the Packaging-Management Solution of the company Esko and just one tool out of many others. AKG is presumably the first producer of rotogravure cylinders who makes use of this tool for an optimal performance in-house but – above all – for the customer.
A new product has to be launched on the market and it has got to be quick. But how do I proceed? And who is to be involved in that process? – Don`t worry! We will provide you with the corresponding licence for the WebCentre and you can get started. You define yourself who has to know what and when and to what extent and what has to be done enabling you to determine your own workflow in just a few minutes…. and in next to no time it is on the screen of all the people involved. You can check on the status quo at any time. The record is made up automatically and shows you who is working on the different tasks and when and what and who has checked or has made arrangements for what and when. And when you are away on business, your Mobile or Laptop will keep you informed at any time.
WebCenter ….. connecting people, process and system.
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Our advantages at a glance
- Reduction in costs and wastage
- Value increasing service
- Online check and approval of graphics and the opportunity to make comments
- Online briefing and control portal
- Lifecycle management system for packaging
- Database of packaging
- Project organization
- Process control
- Reduced process time
- Communication optimization
- Connection with other systems possible
- Decision-making assistance in the field of creative designing and marketing
- Handling of several users simultaneously by collaborative meetings